In response to the growing demand for WEAI surveys, IFPRI developed a distance learning course on pro-WEAI. This online course teaches specific skills related to using pro-WEAI to meet the needs of various users: quantitative analysts, monitoring & evaluation specialists, donors, and field supervisors. Participants will receive digital certification upon successful completion of the course.
Modules Overview
The Pro-WEAI Foundations Module is available in English, French, and Arabic. This module introduces researchers and practitioners to the pro-WEAI tool, covering its background and practical application within project contexts. This module provides conceptual frameworks, resources, and approaches to integrating the index tools into projects, based on real-world experiences from the team that developed it. Completion of the Foundations Module is a prerequisite for all subsequent modules.
The subsequent modules build on the Foundations Module and include:
- Survey Fieldwork: Learn how to administer pro-WEAI surveys, from planning enumerator training to pilot testing and data collection. This module covers survey questions, response options, and fieldwork strategies.
- Qualitative Analysis: Explore the qualitative methods used in pro-WEAI, including the rationale behind including qualitative methods, detailed protocols for different types of respondents, best practices for planning qualitative studies, and guidance on conducting analysis and disseminating results from qualitative pro-WEAI protocols.
- Calculating the Index: Learn how to calculate pro-WEAI indicators and the pro-WEAI score. This module covers how to use the Stata do- and ado-files, read output tables and figures, and apply the results to your projects.
- Interpreting and Presenting Pro-WEAI Results: Learn how to interpret both the qualitative and quantitative findings from pro-WEAI surveys. This module focuses on deriving insights for future programming and project management, building on the previous modules.
The table below shows which modules are best suited for different types of users and provides the syllabi for each module. To access the learning modules, use the links in the far-right column.
Learning Module | Key Audience | Prerequisite | Syllabus | Course |
Module 1: Pro-WEAI Foundations | Anyone | None | Syllabus |
English French Arabic Spanish (Coming soon!) |
Module 2: Survey Fieldwork | Survey field team | Module 1 | Syllabus | Course |
Module 3: Qualitative Analysis | Qualitative field team, qualitative analyst | Module 1 | Syllabus | Course |
Module 4: Calculating the Index | Quantitative analyst | Module 1 | Syllabus | Course |
Module 5: Interpreting and Presenting Pro-WEAI Results | Research principal investigator, M&E lead, project manager | Module 1 | Syllabus | Course |