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Note: pro-WEAI+MI was formerly known as WEAI4VC.
Many development agencies are designing and implementing socially-inclusive agricultural interventions along the value chain—covering multiple nodes and different types of actors. Monitoring and evaluating the success of these value chain interventions requires tools that can identify the constraints facing women and men and track empowerment across multiple stages of the value chain.
Whereas the WEAI and A-WEAI are more focused on the production dimension of agriculture, the project-level WEAI for market inclusion (pro-WEAI+MI) takes the tool one step further to measure empowerment across the value chain. Pilot studies in Bangladesh, the Philippines, Benin, and Malawi assessed empowerment of women and men as different types of value chain actors and in different value chains, respectively. The Bangladesh pilot examined empowerment for women and men as – (1) producers, (2) entrepreneurs, and (3) wage workers in the southwestern region of Bangladesh. The Philippines pilot looked at women and men working in production, processing, trading, and marketing in the abaca, coconut, seaweed, and swine value chains. In Malawi, we examined those working in aquaculture, mango, pineapple, and vegetables. In the Benin pilot, rice, soy, chicken, and compost value chains were prioritized. The pro-WEAI+MI builds on the pro-WEAI with additional value-chain specific indicators. These indicators are:
- Entrepreneurial mindset
- Autonomy in working conditions
- Control over use of income and outputs from the main value chain
- Input in decisions about main value chain
- Access to reliable sanitaiton while working
- Perceives that other women like them in their community do not experience sexual harassment in their work environment
To download the quantitative and qualitative pro-WEAI+MI tools, please visit the "Guides and Instruments" page.