Our goal for this set of Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) tools is to help implementing partners collect high frequency information on the gender and women’s empowerment aspects of development interventions that leverage agricultural collectives (e.g., farming cooperatives, farmer-producer organizations). In the documents linked below we provide guidance both on sampling and on the frequency with which these tools should be administered, but note that these were designed to be administered alongside other M&E indicators your organization collects and should be adapted to work within the existing M&E system.
There are two separate tools:
- Individual M&E tool: This tool is intended primarily for the individual who is a member of an agricultural collective, and, if possible, his/her spouse. The reason for including the spouse of the member if that there are likely to be several spillover benefits of participation a development project targeting agricultural collectives. If it is not possible to interview the spouse as well, then the individual tool should be administered to the member of the collective organization.
- Agricultural collective (group) level M&E tool: This tool should be administered at the level of the agricultural collective your organization works with or supports, i.e., one tool per collective. If you do not administer tools at the agricultural collective level, you should administer this to members who are knowledgeable about the FPO, its functioning and its policies. See the guidance within the questionnaire for suggestions of who can respond to this tool.
The M&E questionnaires, do-files, and an explanation of indicators for each of these tools are accessible by downloading the zip files at the links below.
📥 Download individual M&E tool
📥 Download group M&E tool